Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum arbejder med forskning, indsamling, dokumentation, bevaring og formidling af lokal- og kulturhistorie i Aalborg, Mariagerfjord, Rebild og Jammerbugt Kommuner.
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Nordjyllands Historiske Museum • Algade 48 • 9000 Aalborg • Tlf. +45 9931 7400

Modern History

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

The curators of the museum work with culture-historical issues during the period from the Medieval Age until today.

The main theme includes issues in history and topography of Northern Jutland, but we endeavour to work in a national perspective.

•    Focus range and plans
•    Kaas briketfabrik (briquetting factory)
•    Østre Havn - the first industrial port of Aalborg.


Focus ranges of modern history

The latest years have seen the following special ranges:

City of Aalborg where the work a. o. ended up in the project "Grønland i Aalborg" ("Greenland in Aalborg") which illustrates the special elements made up by the Greenlanders in the townscape of Aalborg because of the Grønlandshavnen (the Greenland Harbour).

Industrial history in Northern Jutland - including designation of industrial memories in the Region of Northern Jutland as well as more projects on especially the cement industry and the tobacco industry of C.W. Obel.

Military and fortification history. As to buildings and history, the town and entrenchment of Hals have three core periods: The Renaissance, the Napoleon Wars and the German Occupation 1940-1945. The study of the fortification and town history of the area during the Renaissance has been finished. In addition, a study on the same topic during the Napoleon wars has been carried out.

Molinological research: the latest years have seen a new registration of the still existing wind mills and water mills of the Region of Northern Jutland; a research of the history of the mill at Nr. Tranders (a classical example of the development from trade to industry); and study and documentation of an industrial mustard milling plant 1858-2010. Furthermore, the study of the technological development of Danish milling from the Medieval Age to the phasing out of the traditional customer milling in the early 20th century has so far resulted in both an exhibition and a monograph on the history of mill building.

In general on cultural history: a) examination and collection of information and items related to recycling, historically seen, and b) an examination of the migration from country to town 1880-1950.

Future plans:

City of Aalborg: City museum Aalborg – several major and minor examinations as part of preparations of the new permanent exhibition at Aalborg Historiske Museum. The purpose of the examination is to supplement/complement the museum's existing knowledge of the city history.

City and city development around Aalborg and Nørresundby from the Renaissance until today: Research in the physical development and application of city areas. Continuation of the project "Gamle Aalborghuse" (old Aalborg houses) with a focus on the development of new methods for handling of the settlement structures. Collection and research project (and exhibition) on Aalborg of the 1970ies (and perhaps also 1980ies?) in cooperation with Aalborg Stadsarkiv and Aalborg Bibliotekerne (City archives and libraries of Aalborg).

Food and meal culture in Aalborg from the Renaissance until today, based on Hanna Pethrea's cook book from 1791.

Continued examinations and collection in connection with the "Grønland i Aalborg" project.

Continued examination and collection of information and items related to recycling, historically seen.

Industrial history of Northern Jutland: Special focus on the national industrial memories of the region, De Danske Spritfabrikker and Aalborg Portland (spirit/alcohol and cement). Focus will be on the international importance of Aalborg Portland, a. o. with a research on the cultural meeting at the transfer of technology from the Danish company F. L. Smidth to the remaining world. Part one of the research focus will be activities in Asia, with a special emphasis on Siam Cement (1914) and Padang Cement (1911).

Continued focus on the development of the industrial scenery after 1945 in a national and international context.

Military and fortification history. Continuous part studies, local and regional, 2011-2015; concrete-cast fortifications from the Second World War in Northern Jutland, Denmark and Europe, 2011-2015; and Northern Jutland during the German occupation 1940-1945, 2011-2015.

Molinological research: partly a research on types of millstone applied in Denmark throughout the years, partly terminology of milling and mill building aiming at the working out of a Danish molinological dictionary. Together with the forum "Møllepuljen", the work of a new registration of preserved water mills and wind mills in Denmark is continued, 2011-2015.


Nordjyllands Historiske Museum, Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg



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