Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum arbejder med forskning, indsamling, dokumentation, bevaring og formidling af lokal- og kulturhistorie i Aalborg, Mariagerfjord, Rebild og Jammerbugt Kommuner.
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Nordjyllands Historiske Museum • Algade 48 • 9000 Aalborg • Tlf. +45 9931 7400

Apotekersamlingen ("Collection of Items from Pharmacies")

NHMVisit the evocative collection on the loft of the beautiful Renaissance house and listen to the story of life in the stone house and at the pharmacy "Svaneapoteket" through more than 350 years.

The pharmacy "Aalborg Svaneapotek" which has still its premises in the ground floor of the building is the oldest business in the city and one of the oldest pharmacies in Denmark. The museum offers guided tours in cooperation with the Foundation for Preservation of Jens Bang's Stenhus ("Apoteker S.C. Strøybergs Fond til Bevarelse af Jens Bangs Stenhus"), which owns the house as well as the collection.





Østerågade 9
9000 Aalborg


Aalborg Historiske Museum

Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg

Tlf. +45 9931 7400


Nordjyllands Historiske Museum, Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg



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