Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum arbejder med forskning, indsamling, dokumentation, bevaring og formidling af lokal- og kulturhistorie i Aalborg, Mariagerfjord, Rebild og Jammerbugt Kommuner.
På 14 udstillingssteder præsenterer vi dig for "Nærværende Historie"

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum • Algade 48 • 9000 Aalborg • Tlf. +45 9931 7400

Especially for children

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

At Nordjyllands Historiske Museum, we offer several activities for children and youngsters.

In the school holidays, we have special arrangements giving the participants the opportunity of learning and experiencing living history. We make, a. o., workshops, role playing, strolls and summer school.

Adults accompanying children are also most welcome. Please consult the website of each individual location or the local press.

On many locations, we have current competitions, shop activities, strolls and games for children and youngsters. Please consult the website of each individual location or the front of the website of Nordjyllands Historiske Museum under "Aktuelle arrangementer".


Nordjyllands Historiske Museum, Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg



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