Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum arbejder med forskning, indsamling, dokumentation, bevaring og formidling af lokal- og kulturhistorie i Aalborg, Mariagerfjord, Rebild og Jammerbugt Kommuner.
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Nordjyllands Historiske Museum • Algade 48 • 9000 Aalborg • Tlf. +45 9931 7400

Current exhibitions


Current exhibitions

At Aalborg Historiske Museum, you can always watch different exhibitions on special historical topics of local or cultural interest.

In addition to the large special exhibitions, there are frequently shifting exhibitions in the front hall.

In connection with the exhibitions in the front hall, there are tables where you can sit down with a cup of coffee or tea.

Aalborg Historiske Museum:



Aalborg Historiske Museum

Algade 48
9000 Aalborg


Aalborg Historiske Museum

Algade 48
9000 Aalborg

Tlf. +45 9931 7400

Information: Tlf. +45 9931 7420


Nordjyllands Historiske Museum, Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg



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