Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum arbejder med forskning, indsamling, dokumentation, bevaring og formidling af lokal- og kulturhistorie i Aalborg, Mariagerfjord, Rebild og Jammerbugt Kommuner.
På 14 udstillingssteder præsenterer vi dig for "Nærværende Historie"

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum • Algade 48 • 9000 Aalborg • Tlf. +45 9931 7400

Museum Shop Hadsund

Hadsund Egnssamling og Møllehistorisk Samling

Hadsund Egnssamling and Møllehistorisk Samling have ticket sales and museum shop in common. Here, you will find arts and crafts made of wood, ceramics, bone, paper and metal. We also have copies of the unique renaissance glasses which you find in the exhibition on the oldest glass works in Denmark as well as copies of beautiful local pottery which can all be bought in the shop.

You can also buy flour ground at the wind mill Havnø Mølle, Havnø mill snifters and other mill souvenirs; by doing so, you support the maintenance of the oldest wind mill in Northern Jutland.

Book shop of The Collection of Molinological History

A specialty of the museum shop in Hadsund is that we have specialised in procuring and selling the widest possible range of books and films on mills both in Denmark and abroad. The books, CDs and DVDs are also sold by mail order. In that case, please note that postage will be added.

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Hadsund Egnssamling :



Hadsund Egnssamling og Møllehistorisk Samling
Rosendals Allé 8
9560 Hadsund


Hobro Museum
Vestergade 23
9500 Hobro

Tlf. +45 9982 4170



Nordjyllands Historiske Museum, Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg



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